Thanks all.  I was using kill <pid> while running top, and at a bash prompt.  
Repeatedly.  That worked sometimes in the past with the same program.  But I 
must have tried it a 100 times in the last 24 hours to kill the same process 

I tried kill -9 <pid> at a bash prompt, thanks to the suggestions from the 
responses, and that took it out the first time I tried it.  Should've hit the 
man pages from the beginning, was using top's help instead (running top on a 
different terminal as root, which is standard practice), which actually 
didn't help.

Thanks again.


On Friday 13 June 2003 19:04, Hugh Saunders wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 13, 2003 at 05:34:51PM -0400, lists1 wrote:
> > What can I do to kill a process that refuses to be killed?
> depends, can be rather tricky if processes have the "zombie" flag.
> kill or kill -9 usually works though.

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