Leonid Grinberg wrote:

Ok, I said it before and I will say it again:

This is incredible! I know so many immature people, that I am strongly
considering writing a book called "The Height of Immaturity". This
will have a chapter to itself.

The one about addressing people was just an uneducated person
(uneducated in the workings of this list, that is). Fine, whatever, it
was a mistake. The person who wrote about the melons made a joke.
Fine, it was appreciated (by some). The person wrote wrote about the
pineapples was immature (or maybe pineapples was first, I don't
remember). This is just stupid. I mean, it is poorly written, clearly
parodying the first three, and frankly, I like (I think) many others
on this list have had *enough*!!!

Please, stop this maddness. I have been on forums and lists for a long
time, and I have never seen a true flame war. I am afraid that this is
the making of one, and I ask you to stop.

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With respect Leonid, what I find incredible is that anyone would humour any of these {kiddiwinkies|misplaced comedians|abject morons} with any kind of response, let alone submit four paragraphs of carefully considered reply.

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