On Tuesday 28 March 2006 09:08, Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:
>Quoting Michael Schurter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> pedro lopez wrote:
>>> how i do?
>>>  i need see what services are runing, how i can see de port listen
>>> on may systen? and new on linux.
>> netstat is the command you're looking for.  Check out "netstat -h"
>> for a list of options.  "netstat -l" or "netstat -lt" are probably
>> what you're most interested in.  If you prefer numeric port numbers
>> to service names, add a "--numeric-ports" to the end.
>> Also, the "ps aux" command is commonly used to list running
>> programs. It won't give you network information, but very useful
>> none the less.
>> Michael Schurter
>I personally like `netstat -anput`, which lists numeric addresses and
>port numbers for all programs listening on TCP or UDP ports, along
> with the program/PID for each entry.
You must have a different version of netstat than I. Here it takes the 
curser to the top left of the screen and hangs for at least 2 minutes, 
at which point I ctl-c'd it, which broke it normaly.

>Roberto C. Sanchez

Cheers, Gene
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