On 3/23/06, lmyho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I have a Brother HL5040 printer, and I have downloaded it driver for 
> linux/debian
> system from Brother's website, it is a .deb pkg file.
> However the apt-get program couldn't find this driver pkg to install it, even 
> when I
> gave a full path for the location of the pkg.
> Chris suggested to run dpkg -i at location of the pkg to install it, I did 
> and the
> pkg was installed,:) however it didn't work right. the effect is that the 
> printer
> will print but print out only empty papers and will not stop such horrible 
> printing
> until I turn its power off! :((  It still not working.....:(((((
> Could anyone tell me what I can do to install this Brother HL5040 printer 
> onto my
> debian system?  Or where can I find the right or compitable driver (if it's 
> driver
> problem) for it to install?  THANKS A LOT!!!

I've been a recipient of new Brother printers (they've been using our
company as test-bed of sorts as our company has Linux from the
president down to all employees) and they work just well with the
default auto-detection. I didn't try the online PPD's that Brother
provided. I
Paolo Alexis Falcone

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