s. keeling wrote:

> Hi.  I have three niggling little problems I'm hoping someone can help
> me with.  I'm running stock Sarge on a Dell Inspiron 4000 with
> xserver-xfree86 (ATI Rage Mobility M3 AGP 2x (rev 02)), stock kernel
> 2.6.8-2-686.
>   - At boot, my console window is resized down to a smaller than
>     full-screen box inside a black border.  How can I eliminate that?
>     Is this vesafb related, and what's the simplest solution for
>     fixing or disabling it?  Once X starts, it (correctly) takes up
>     the full screen again, until I kill X.
I believe this is due to your vga=x parameter.  More on that below.

>   - Part way through the boot sequence, something in
>     /etc/init.d/console.sh (I assume) overrides my kernel command line
>     parameter "vga=2".  How can I disable this?
I'm unfamiliar with the vga=2 mode.  What is it supposed to be?  I'm
familiar with the following modes, garnered from [0]:
    | 640x480  800x600  1024x768 1280x1024
256 |  0x301    0x303    0x305    0x307   
32k |  0x310    0x313    0x316    0x319   
64k |  0x311    0x314    0x317    0x31A   
16M |  0x312    0x315    0x318    0x31B   

>   - My "p" and "P" keypresses just blink at me in mysql-client.  I
>     have to use <CTRL>-v to make it accept these.  The command line
>     mysql-client is the only environment I've found which exhibits
>     this behaviour.
Sorry, I can't help here.

> None of these problems existed when I was running Woody.  The X FAQ
> mentioned in /var/log/XFree86.0.log has nothing on these that I can
> find, and I've so far failed to find mention of them in the list
> archives.  Suggestions appreciated.
> Thanks.
[0]: http://lists.debian.org/debian-laptop/2003/05/msg00137.html

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