On Wed, 08 Mar 2006 05:38:14 -0700
Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What would make sense is for a very low volume level for the default. 
> Just so you know the thing is working.  Not to mention I've4 never been 
> alble figure out what specific controls (among the 20 or so) that I need 
> to concern myself with.  The master volume by itself was never sufficient.

I agree.

> Oh a related note, I've not been able to get sound working "this time 
> around" (KDE [and GNOME] on Sid).  I've turned everything up and about 
> the only program I can get occasionally sound out of is VLC Media Player 
> (all the standard KDE and GNOME A/V apps don't produce anything).
weee... Okay, are you using the sound daemons, esound or artsd? if so are they 
set to use alsa? what about aplay <some .wav>? does that work? if you have the 
sound daemons running? how about if you kill them and try aplay? 

heh. good luck


> -- 
> Scott
> www.angrykeyboarder.com
> © 2006 angrykeyboarder™ & Elmer Fudd. All Wights Wesewved

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