On Wed, Mar 08, 2006 at 09:29:43AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> You didn't tell us which ASUS motherboard you are using.  It makes a 
> difference.  I had trouble like this with an ASUS A8N-VM-UAYGZ, which 
> has an AMD64 processor.

I guess that is the one...

> To get the ethernet up to permit installation I just plugged an old, 
> well-supported ethernet card into one of my PCI slots.  That enabled me 
> to install from a sarge netinstall disk that had been jiggered to 
> contain a 2.6.12 kernel.  As far as I know, it is still not recognisong 
> the onboard ethernet.  One of these days it probably will, and then I'll 
> suddenly have to figure out which is which -- or unplug the card.

Well, I guess the ethernet card is sis190, and I got the drivers
easily. To make it work, simply compile a kernel with the drivers from
sis.com and tgar works.

> But I still couldn't get a lot of stuff working -- trouble with RAID, 
> LVM, and X -- so I switched to an etch install disk.  Now everything 
> works except for onboard ethernet, video and sound.  Haven't tried to 
> plug in a speaker yet, the onboard nvidia chip seems to be too new for 
> xorg (not recognised, doesn't even work as VGA or VESA), and I haven't 
> had time to try the proprietary nvidia drivers yet.

I am not too sure about this. But do post regarding your experience
with the sis190 driver, if that is the ethernet card on your system.


Kumar Appaiah,
462, Jamuna Hostel,
Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
Chennai - 600 036

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