Hi Tore, just as a final clarification to this problem.

The reason that debconf (and then dpkg) failed was that root (the user
that you use when running apt-get and dpkg) is not allowed to connect
to the X server by default if it is run by another user. I know this
sounds strange since root is the ultimate power on linux but this is
done for security reasons (a lot of strange this are done for security
reasons on linux, but then again, this is why it is more secure then
other OS's :-) ). So if you want to use the KDE, or any other
graphical, frontend to debconf then you need to allow root to connect
to the X server. How to do that you can read on the net, from a little
searching I found the following discussion helpfull:


Glad that it is working now, and good luck in the future with your
hacking :-)


Þann 2006-03-07, 23:02:53 (+0100) skrifaði Tore Ericsson:
> *** xserver-xorg reconfigured and all other things work again ***
> Using "dpkg-reconfigure --frontend=dialog debconf" and resetting debconf
> to use the "dialog" default instead of "KDE" (which needs that dpkg has
> permission to use the X server, which it didn't have for some reason)
> solved all problems.
> Then I ran "dpkg --configure xserver-xorg_6.9.0..." which worked
> all right! Subsequently I switched to KDE/Synaptic and executed all
> pending upgrades (and a few more).
> Thanks to everybody for the help and especially to Kent West
> (http://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2006/03/msg00673.html) and Olafur Jans
> Sigurdsson (http://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2006/03/msg00677.html) who
> presented the simple but significant suggestion to reconfigure debconf to 
> avoid a silly lack-of-permission! In this way one learns, and this shows the 
> importance not to grab the netinstall CD too early!
> Thanks to all,
> Tore
> P.S. I am sorry not being able to read this list daily any longer due to
> lack of time and mail server resources. But don't hesitate to use my mail
> address at any time!
> -- 
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