Hi debian users, I have a number of mail folders on my own server which I access via IMAP. I needed to quickly check a mail while my workstation was down so I executed mail -f name_of_folder. I would normally use mutt but I typed mail without thinking. I quit mail to go in with mutt but it was taking a long time to terminate so I hit CTRL+C and the message "invalid IOCTL for device" appeared on my terminal... then I realised I'd made a mistake, mail writes the file back when you quit and I had interrupted the write. I have lost a month's worth of email!
No I don't have a backup... No I don't want a lecture! Thanks anyway! Does anyone have any ideas whether or not I can recover the tail of this file and how I might do so? I have unmounted the filesystem in the interim! Many thanks for any help! -- Michael -- _______________________________________________ Check out the latest SMS services @ http://www.linuxmail.org This allows you to send and receive SMS through your mailbox. Powered by Outblaze