Chris Lale wrote:
> Kevin Dean wrote:
>> In order to do this, you must have the testing or unstable repository
>> enabled and un-commented in /etc/apt/sources/list
>> For instance, (please not, this will be different based on your
>> mirrors and sources, but the concept is the same.
>> as root, nano /etc/apt/sources.list
>> You'll see lines that look like
>> deb stable main contrib non-free
>> Comment this out  (put a # in front of it) and add
>> deb unstable main contrib non-free
>> The save the file and exit.
>> next, do apt-get update
>> The apt-get install <package name> and it should pull from the
>> unstable repository.
> I don't think that this is the recommended way. Are you not likely to
> upgrade other packages that you might not want to?
> The Apt HOWTO
> explains how to do  what you want using pinning. You add the unstable
> deb line to /etc/apt/sources.list without commenting out the stable one.
> There is an example at It shows
> how to set up pinning for the backports repository, but you can easily
> see how to change the deb line and substitute "unstable" for
> "sarge-backports".

Also, if there are too many dependencies from Etch/Sid to being the
package in safely (e.g., if it would try to upgrade your libc), then a
do-it-yourself approach might be better:


Roberto C. Sanchez

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