Thanks. This really a good lead, but its not working. See below.

On Sat, Feb 25, 2006 at 03:54:10PM +0100, Florian Kulzer wrote:
> Paul E Condon wrote:
> >I'm running cups under sarge. I can print from firefox, but
> >the print window shows five printers, two are attached to a
> >Mac in the next room, two are figments of firefox's imagination.
> >The firefox print window always comes up with one of the figments
> >preselected (its designation is "xp_ps_spooldir_HOME_Xprintjobs@:64" )
> >If I forget to select a proper printer, I don't get output until
> >I fix my mistake. I hope there is a way to select a useful default
> >printer which will be automatically pre-selected when a choose to
> >print a page. Does anyone know if I can do this? And how?
> The mozilla-xprint behavior is mostly controlled by the settings in
> /etc/Xprint/C/print/Xprinters.

On my machine the above named file exists and contains the lines referred to
below. But it also contains the following comments:

# X*printers sample configuration file
# This file belongs in /usr/lib/X11/X*printers, where the "*" is the
# display number of the server.  For example, if the server is
# invoked using the command X :0, then the X0printers file is used.

When I make changes to this file and restart my X system, I see no change 
in behavior. Perhaps I need to make a copy per this comment. But this
seems to me to violate Debian policy, so I wonder if there is not something
else that should be done instead.

I have tried making a copy of the modified file and placing it in 
but this didn't change the behavior. 

How do I determine what X server number is actually being used by Sarge?
I'm just guessing that it is 0 (zero).


PS I'm quite confident that I'm close to the answer because this file contains
reference to the two ficticious printers that started me complaining. But
I commented them out in the file and they still show up in firefox.

> For example, to get rid of the two spurious printers, uncomment the line
> Augment_Printer_List %none%
> and make sure the other "Augment_Printer_List ..." lines are all
> commented out. ("man Xprint" has more info on other options.)
> In my case this was enough to make mozilla respect my default printer.
> (It may be necessary to install the package "cupsys-bsd" and purge the
> package "lpr"; I am not sure about this.)

I purged both lpr and lprng before I installed cupsys. 
cupsys-bsd is installed as a dependency of cupsys.

> You can also redirect the print job to the print manager of your desktop
> environment by clicking on "Properties..." and changing the "Print
> command" field. Mozilla remembers this setting. For example, if you use
> KDE you can use "kprinter" as the command and then you will get the
> normal KPrintManager dialog, which knows your default settings and
> allows you to select things such as portrait/landscape, duplexing, etc.
> for every individual print job. (The mozilla dialog will still come up
> first, but you can just click OK since kprinter will override all
> settings.)
> Some more tricks are discussed here:
> Regards,
>             Florian
> -- 
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Paul E Condon           

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