Thanks Leonid. I am not familiar with the concept of Gnome Panel widgets.
I couldn't find any useful info on the internet either. What are these widgets
and how can I create one as you say in your instructions.
I couldn't find any useful info on the internet either. What are these widgets
and how can I create one as you say in your instructions.
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 20:09:01 -0500
From: "Leonid Grinberg" < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Debian List" <>
Subject: Re: switching between keyboard layouts in gnome 2.6
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It is a Gnome Panel widget... I myself use USA and Russian Phonetic.
Just create a Keyboard Indicator widget, right click, add whatever
keyset, you want, and then change the key. I know for a fact that you
can use Alt and Shift (although on one of my computers, it is a little
faulty and refuses to aknowledge the left Shift and Alt. I usually use
Scroll Lock, myself.