El(On) 10/06/2003 (12:34:10), LeVA escribió(wrote):


> The other question is, how to set up at boot time, that _all_ of my 
> consoles get the appropriate fb values. Switching to every console, and 
> typing 'fbset 1024x768-75' is boring :).

I use the pm2fb framebuffer module (permedia chipset) compiled into the 
kernel and put the resolution I want as a kernel option in


With that all the consoles get the values I want at boot time.

                                  ______  _____________
  Marcelo Ramos                  |      \/       __    |
  Debian Sid GNU/Linux 2.5.67    |              |_/    /
  Socio UYLUG Nro 125            |                     \
  Linux registered user #118109  |_____|\/|_____|\______\

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