On Friday 10 February 2006 12:37, Cuthbert Smith Consulting wrote:
>ke6isf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>Not being one to support Frontpage (and, in fact, considering it
>> extremely harmful),

Not only harmfull, but a web page created by frontpage has yet to pass 
the w3c consortium sites html validation suite test.  In short its 
busted.  But it works with IE, so thats what counts for M$. :(

>> I can tell you that, under its default 
>> configuration, Apache will expect your HTML data to livein
>> /var/www/html somewhere.  You can get clues on exactly where by
>> perusing /etc/apache/httpd.conf.  Upload accordingly.
>Thanks for your quick response.
>First off, Im not sure what you mean to persue /etc/apache/httpd.conf,
> do I type that in the web browser or look for it in my explorer.
>Secondly, if you dont support Frontpage, what do you recommend I use,
>bearing in mind I dont know how to write programs, I am pretty much a
>wisywig type person or window environment.
You may want to look at Quanta Plus, and there's another one thats 
considered pretty good but its name has faded into oblivion in my well 
aged (71) wet ram.

>Our website is pretty basic, a home page with an animated logo (I
> created using RAVE) and then the rest of the pages are basic text,
> photos, and hyperlinks.
>Cuthbert Smith Consulting Partnership Inc.
>400, 14727 - 87 Avenue
>Edmonton, AB T5R 4E5
>Tel:   (780) 484-3232
>Fax: (780) 489-8925
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> you.

Cheers, Gene
People having trouble with vz bouncing email to me should add the word
'online' between the 'verizon', and the dot which bypasses vz's
stupid bounce rules.  I do use spamassassin too. :-)
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