> xmms stopped making any sounds as of a week or two ago.  Other audio
> players still work, but xmms goes through all the motions of playing
> audio files without a peep.
> It's not mission critical, but disconcerting.
> -- hendrik

I had some problems with xmms following an upgrade a couple of weeks
back. Sounds like it may be connected with your problem.

Try going into "Properties" in xmms and checking the soundcard
settings. I found that my soundcard had changed description for some
reason (this also affected a number of other applications but without
causing particular problems). Check the new description(s) for
available sound devices in the xmms dialogue and see if choosing a
different device helps.

The one thing I've not been able to sort out is the volume. Xmms was
playing, sound was coming out fine, but the volume control said "no
sound" and I couldn't change it from within xmms until I changed the
volume control settings to "software" rather than directly accessing
the soundcard.

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