El 09/02/2006, a las 17:35, Rafal Jankowski escribió:


I use debian testing and I'd like to set Freeradius (or any other radius) for encrypted authentication for windows Wi-Fi clients, but when I set TLS, which is required by mschapv2, freeradius does not start, and there is in logfile: Error: rlm_eap: Failed to link EAP-Type/tls: rlm_eap_tls.so: cannot open
shared object file: No such file or directory

Is it possible to adapt freeradius to ms windows EAP without recompilation? If so, I would be gratefull for config files.


I've set up something similar, but I couldn't do it with debian package. That package does not include rlm_eap_tls.so, so it does not work. Finally I've downloaded source from freeradius web site and I've compiled it (version 1.0.5). Now it works ok. It is not a config problem but a compilation problem, I mean, library rlm_eap_tls.so is needed for TLS but it's not included (I don't know why) in the package. Compiling from source is easy. Now I have it working with EAP-TLS and PAP with users in LDAP and clients with OS/X, Windows XP, Windows Mobile 2005 and Linux.

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