On 2/8/06, Florian Kulzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Leonid Grinberg wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Following the advice I got in the thread "Debian and Wireless on an
> > IBM Thinkpad), I got myself an Asus wireless LAN card. It uses the
> > rt2500 driver, which I installed (I downloaded the neccecary Debian
> > packages, did everything I was supposed to, and now have the rt2500
> > module loaded). The laptop is running Debian Testing with kernel 2.6.
> > I am trying to connect over wireless to a Lynksis wireless router. I
> > cannot do it. I have tried adding
> >
> > auto eth0
> > iface eth0 inet dhcp
> > wireless_essid <MY_ESSID>
> >
> > to /etc/network/interfaces, but it is not working (I am doing ifdown
> > eth0, ifup eth0). Please help!
> I would suggest that you first do a few checks on the interface itself:
> # iwconfig eth0
> This will tell you if the interface is recognized as a wireless one and
> if it associates with the correct access point. You can also see how it
> reacts to different configuration options such as
> # iwconfig eth0 essid ....
> I would first try to get everything working without WEP and activate
> that later if you want to do so.
> # iwlist eth0 scan
> This will list all the access points which can be detected and the
> signal strengths. Check if you get a good signal from your AP.
> If your interface is associated with the correct AP you can try to run
> the dhcp client:
> # dhclient eth0
> Note that there are two versions of the dhcp client package in Debian,
> "dhcp-client" and "dhcp3-client". If one fails maybe the other one will
> work. Also check if your Linksys router is configured to accept requests
> from your wireless card; there might be MAC address based filters, for
> example.

Take note also that you'd need to check if the rt2500 module gets
loaded. I'm not sure if Debian builds the RT2x00 module into their

Moreso, the device name of the rt2500 would be something like ra0

Paolo Alexis Falcone

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