On Tuesday 10 June 2003 11:42, Paul Johnson wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 10, 2003 at 02:10:45AM -0400, lists1 wrote:
> > It works heavily toward w3c standard compliant code (and if you
> > look at the top 100 sites, I doubt 10% of them are 100% standards
> > compliant, and if you have 100% standards compliant, you'll be
> > excluding over 90% of the browser users on the internet).
> No you wouldn't, because all the browsers out can decently render a
> 100% compliant page.  I've yet to find a browser that can't.

I'm afraid this is not the case Paul. IE is not always able to render 
fully compliant pages, in a decent way.

IE on Windows does not support CSS completely. Even IE 6 does not 
support CSS 1. 

About 3 months ago, I asked on this list, about how to develop a good 
personal web site (something similar to the current tread). I got 
plenty of usefull advice, and in the end, I decided to heavily use CSS 
on my web site. Cause it really looks great. 

The end result is amazing. I didn't know that I could achive so much by 
using CSS. The problem is, IE does not show the pages, as it should. My 
site is fully W3C compliant. I have used Tidy on it, and also checked 
it with validator. So I thought I won't have browser compatibility 
problems. I was wrong, I later found out, that IE does not fully 
support CSS, so it is handling my web site in a really bad way. 

Interestingly, IE 5 for Mac seems to support CSS 1 fully. IE 5 on Mac 
does a good job of rendering my pages (comparable to khtml and gecko 
based browsers). IE 5 for Mac OS X also suport PNG transparency, 
something that IE 6 on Windows lacks.

To sum it up, yes, it is possible to easily design a fully W3C compliant 
web page, which IE is not able to handle correctly. Two years ago, I 
would have ignored this problem, arguing that many people are using NS. 
But, nowadays, how can I convice myself to ignore 90% ?

/*  There's some good left in this world, Mr. Frodo, and it's worth 
fighting for."
                 - Sam Gamgee*/
Aryan Ameri

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