Alvin Oga wrote:

On Tue, 31 Jan 2006, Tyson Varosyan wrote:

Again, I apologize for posting a Windows-based problem on this board, but I

still providing entertainment of your sillyness ..

#1: Edit your httpd.conf file. Find the line that reads "listen :80" and
replace it with the IP of website #1 followed by the port. Ie: listen

that is stupidity at work .. and not required

#2: Copy your httpd.conf file and give it a new name like httpd#2.conf
#3: Edit httpd#2.conf and edit the Listen command with the IP and Port of
your second website.

more silly stupidity on your part to have and

#4: Also Edit the DocumentRoot statement with a path to the root directory
of your second website. (Obviously create this new directory)

hey he got one right

#7 In the command window, browse to the folder containing apache.exe
#8 run apache -f "C:\Progra~1\Apache~2\Apache2\conf\httpd#2.conf"

more silly stupidity at work ...
        - this is not debian related list
Isn't it?

        - this is not apache related list

Bingo! You have 2 instances of Apache server running on your box, each with
it's own config file and it's own root directory.

you have that by default if you know how to configure apache
Katipo and Alvin, feel free to read this procedure and pass it off as your
own in the future.

you can run your own misconfigured files ...
Sorry that I made you feel so incompetent.

you're proving your own incompetence

i doubt anybody would do what you suggest to get virtual domains working

and there may be more than one solution.. but yours is not it ...
and will not pass the mustard test for our customers

As somebody said "¿Why the rudeness?"

- thats all folks for late night entertainment

c ya

Gabriel Parrondo
Linux User #404138

"In theory there's no difference between the theory and the practice. In the 
practice There is."

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