On Fri, 03 Feb 2006 11:57:08 -0500
Gene Heskett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Friday 03 February 2006 01:36, Andrew Sackville-West wrote:
> [...]
> >> [EMAIL PROTECTED] etc]# service nfs restart
> >> Shutting down NFS mountd:                                  [FAILED]
> >> Shutting down NFS daemon:                                  [FAILED]
> >> Shutting down NFS quotas:                                  [FAILED]
> >> Shutting down NFS services:                                [  OK  ]
> >> Starting NFS services:                                     [  OK  ]
> >> Starting NFS quotas:                                       [  OK  ]
> >> Starting NFS daemon:                                       [  OK  ]
> >> Starting NFS mountd:                                       [  OK  ]
> >> Starting NFS4 idmapd: Error: RPC MTAB does not exist.
> >
> >Well, I've no clue :(. But I can suggest that you might want to do
> > away with quotas and I've no clue what the idmapd does. Can you get a
> > regular old /etc/exports file to work with nfs-kernel-server?
> Here is the exports file:
> /usr     192.168.xx.xx/,insecure,sync,no_root_squash)
> /home/   192.168.xx.xx/,insecure,sync,no_root_squash)
> Slightly obfuscated of course.  And whats this 'nfs-kernel-server'?  

that's the init script to start nfs services. I'm confused here, is this your 
debian box or fc box? 

regardless, your problem is beyond my meager skills :(.

If I were in your shoes, I'd probably purge the whole nfs system and start 
over, but I'm famous (at least in my own mind) for all or nothing solutions.


> Thats all built into the kernel IIRC, currently 2.6.16-rc1.  From a 
> grep of the .config:
> # CONFIG_NFS_V3_ACL is not set
> # CONFIG_NFS_V4 is not set
> # CONFIG_NFS_DIRECTIO is not set
> # CONFIG_NFSD_V3_ACL is not set
> # CONFIG_NFSD_V4 is not set
> I suppose I could turn the rest of it on when I build -rc2 which should 
> be shortly released.
> >> And it will repeat that manta ad infinitum.
> >>
> >> [EMAIL PROTECTED] etc]# service nfs restart
> >> Shutting down NFS mountd:                                  [  OK  ]
> >> Shutting down NFS daemon:                                  [  OK  ]
> >> Shutting down NFS quotas:                                  [  OK  ]
> >> Shutting down NFS services:                                [  OK  ]
> >> Starting NFS services:                                     [  OK  ]
> >> Starting NFS quotas:                                       [  OK  ]
> >> Starting NFS daemon:                                       [  OK  ]
> >> Starting NFS mountd:                                       [  OK  ]
> >> Starting NFS4 idmapd: Error: RPC MTAB does not exist.
> >>
> >> A man idmapd make no mention of that file...
> The second time it was of course already running so it didn't fail the 
> shutdown.  I don't have it started in my normal bootup, no use wasting 
> cpu cycles on something that doesn't work. :)
> [...]
> -- 
> Cheers, Gene
> People having trouble with vz bouncing email to me should add the word
> 'online' between the 'verizon', and the dot which bypasses vz's
> stupid bounce rules.  I do use spamassassin too. :-)
> Yahoo.com and AOL/TW attorneys please note, additions to the above
> message by Gene Heskett are:
> Copyright 2006 by Maurice Eugene Heskett, all rights reserved.
> -- 
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