hi ya kent

On Tue, 31 Jan 2006, Kent West wrote:

> Alvin, you and I have both been on this list long enough that it's
> obvious to me that you're a smart guy with lots of valuable knowledge
> and skills. But why be rude?

yeah... i guess it's easy to confuse "rude" with "poking fun at um"

i'm a sucker for flamebait andpoking fun ... :-0  always fun if one
doesn't emotional about it and hopefully learn a thing or 2 along the

some folks are defensive... i wonder why, while others just move on and
have beer and figure it out

> And if you know enough about Apache to know that the way he is doing it
> is wrong, then surely you know the right way to do it? 

yup.. but since the thread got worst... no answers will be forthcoming
however, it's all readily available in yahoo/google ... 

we all spent our time hrs,days,weeks to find the answers if
nobody hands it to us on a platinum platter at the 
'palace of "pick-your-noun" ' .. :-0

and after all of that hard r/d .. write a [atheist]damm howto
so that nobody else needs to do that r/d searching again

> Why not just
> provide the answer rather than poking fun and being rude?

to me... it was 100% in fun .. but i guess i can see how it can
also be rude when one makes fun of somebody else at their expense 

there was say over a dozen things wrong with the thread before
the 3rd post to the list .. :-)  and inaccurate "solution" will
be so stamped .. :-) or at least leave a cloud of uncertainty
on the next reader to staumbles on this entertaining thread

> At the risk of
> seriously offending the atheists on this list and getting flamed, I'd
> suggest the world would be a better place if we'd listen to Leviticus
> 19:14: "Do not curse the deaf or put a stumbling block in front of the
> blind."

i saw what happend to that part of the thread .. more fun ..


c ya

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