Hello friends: My name is Ruben and i am from Spain. I am administrator of an online weather server. We have a weather station connected to the serial port of the server. Weather station ONLY sends data, doesn't receive anything from PC. At this moment we have one software attached directly to /dev/ttyS0, but we want test another Sotware. What we have been testing is:
tee /dev/ptyt0 /dev/ptyt1 < /dev/ttyS0 > /dev/null & And the attach one software to /dev/ttyt0 and the other to /dev/ttyt1 We have been testing but...some data is losen in /dev/ttyto and /dev/ttyt1 I don't understand why :( Do you know if i could do this using another command? Am i doing this Ok? Please...we need some help, we have been some weeks fighting with it ;( A lot of thank's. P.D. Excuse my poor English, but i don't explain very well. Thank's -- Rubén Navarro Huedo http://www.palotes.com http://www.cabodesantapola.org