El(On) 10/06/2003 (07:10:39), Robert Storey escribió(wrote):
> Dear All,
> When I start X, the whole screen image is displayed slightly too far to
> the right. Although I could use the buttons on the monitor to adjust the
> image further left, that would create problems because I have other
> distros installed on this computer, and these distros have the image
> properly centered. So what I need are software settings to move the image
> leftwards.
> Xvidtune does just that. I can position the image anywhere I like on the
> screen. The problem is that I don't see any way to save these settings. I
> can get the image properly centered afgter hittings the "apply" button,
> but there is no "save", and next time I boot up my new improved settings
> are gone.
> Xvidtune with the "-show" option produces these settings:
>   "800x600"      49.50    800  816  896 1056    600  601  604  625 +hsync
> +vsync

Did you write 

ModeLine "800x600" 49.50 800 816 896 1056 600 601 604 625 +hsync +vsync 

in the file /etc/X11/XF86Config ?

If yes, did you put that line in the subsection "display" (Section
"Screen") corresponding to your default depth ?


                                  ______  _____________
  Marcelo Ramos                  |      \/       __    |
  Debian Sid GNU/Linux 2.5.67    |              |_/    /
  Socio UYLUG Nro 125            |                     \
  Linux registered user #118109  |_____|\/|_____|\______\

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