On Sun, Jan 29, 2006 at 11:10:33AM +1100, Jonathan Wheelhouse wrote:
>Got a question re UNIX permissions: I've got a directory, photos, in my
>home directory, that I want the wife and kids to put digital photos.
>I created a group, photo, and put them all in it.  I changed the group
>on the directory to be photo.  I set the sgid bit on the directory so
>that files created in the directory will have that group.  I set the
>restricted deletion flag on the directory so that people can only
>delete their own files not those of others.
>Now the problem is that if people create sub-directories in this
>directory and then populate that sub-directory with photos only they
>have access to those photos.  How can I make it so that even if they
>create sub-directories the files in the sub-directory have their group
>set to photo?

I'm not sure I understand you, I was under the impression that subdirs
created under a dir with sgid bit set would inherit the group with the
sgid bit set:

 % mkdir test
 drwxr-xr-x 3 magnus magnus 4096 2006-01-29 00:58 test
 % sudo chgrp users test
 % sudo chmod g+s test
 % ls -ld test
 drwxr-sr-x 3 magnus users 4096 2006-01-29 00:58 test
 % cd test
 % touch hello
 % mkdir dir
 % ls -l
 drwxr-sr-x 2 magnus users 4096 2006-01-29 00:58 dir
 -rw-r--r-- 1 magnus users    0 2006-01-29 00:58 hello

Anything more complicated you might need can probably be solved using
ACLs (e.g. if users use different umasks).


Magnus Therning                    (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)

Software is not manufactured, it is something you write and publish.
Keep Europe free from software patents, we do not want censorship
by patent law on written works.

Good powers of observation are frequently called "cynicism" by those
that don't have them.

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