My solution was "apt-get --purge remove portmap"... apt will let you
know if you have any packages installed which actually require it.

apt-get --purge remove portmap reported a required removal of GNOME which I did not want, so I instead used the "update-rc.d portmap remove" alternative.

However, this did stop nmap from reporting this which I don't need:
     111/tcp  open  rpcbind

But, I still have:

    732/tcp  open  unknown
    742/tcp  open  netrcs

So, lsof and netstat inform me that:

famd      1828        bart    3u     IPv4       2593               TCP localhost.localdomain:732 (LISTEN)
rpc.statd 1832        root    6u     IPv4       2685               TCP *:742 (LISTEN)

So I did:
    update-rc.d -f fam remove

But the "rpc.statd" is still confusing to me and my research so far didn't bring me to a straightforward solution as the other items....

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