On 1/14/06, Tyson Varosyan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: <snip> > I am very new to linux and even newer to Debian. I have kernel 2.6 in > non-gui mode and I would like to run a very simple FTP server on a custom > port. I have apt installed and did a search for FTP and was overwhelmed by > the number of downloads out there. <snip>
Dear Tyson, I would recommend vsftpd. It's a nice small ftp server that has always worked well for me. It is packaged in debian and the man page "vsftpd.conf" should contain everything you need to configure it for your needs. There are many other ftp daemons packaged for debian. If vsftpd does not offer you what you need you could try pureftpd and proftpd which seem to be more "feature rich". I hope this helps you. -David Mattli