On 1/12/06, Gayle Lee Fairless <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

            I wish to thank the two individuals who answered my previous
    question about the time needed to install Debian etch onto an ASUS
    deluxe motherboard with a 250 GB Seagate drive.

On 12/15/2005 Adam James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Installation method is another factor. If I were you I'd download the
100Mb netinst CD image for Etch [1].

If you're anything like me, you'll spend more time configuring the
system than installing it!

[1] Available from: http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-installer

On 12/16/2005 Dexter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I gess it should take less than hour for standard desktop instalation.
Testing version is bether if you install desktop station. Stable is good
for server.

On 1/12/2006 Brian Powell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It sounds like you at least have the base system installed since you mentioned you rebooted the machine. In order to continue on with the installation of the selected packages, simply bring the system back up and log in with the credentials you set up for the root user and type "base-config" without the quotes and hit enter, that will rerun the configure script where you can select the packages again to download.


The system came back up into aptitude where I added a few of the recommends and completed the download. The base system does indeed have the 2.6.12 kernel that I wanted. Later I hope to pull the smp kernel for the hyperthreaded Pentium 4 Prescott. I have indeed spent more time changing the configuration here and there such as changing /etc/papersize from a4 to letter, downloading one of the CUPS files, and getting the resolution to something readable. I also learned how to get gdm to let me shutdown the system cleanly so that fsck doesn't have to clean up at boot and reboot. Ctrl-Alt-Backspace is handy for making the X-system give me a decent view of gdm for login and shutdown. However, I cannot use Ctrl-Alt-function key [F1 -- F6] to get into the text terminals. How do I restore these keys? I also tried to download KDE, but it doesn't appear to be available. Is that because the KDE packages for etch are not quite complete? I noticed that a number of packages were being held back.

I hope to 'borrow' the DSL at my club but here at the house I have dialup. I could 'rob' an external modem for the serial port from one of my other computers if I have to. Nonetheless, I also have an external USB modem. Is there a way to use eth1 for either of the two possible modems? (I'm saving eth0 for the occasional DSL.)

   Thanks for all the new information and the reminders!

(Mr.) Gayle Lee Fairless, Although I am subscribed to the digest, CC's
to [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> are fine for quicker interaction.

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