El(On) 08/06/2003 (15:43:27), Brian Poole escribió(wrote):
> Why I am getting this message in my syslog?
> Jun  8 15:27:36 bithynia kernel: Cannot find map file
> What does it mean?

It means that the kernel can't find the System.map file. 

Perhaps you compiled a custom kernel and forgot to copy that file to
/boot (where it usually resides).

If you are using a kernel that ships with Debian probably the System.map
file was deleted.


                                  ______  _____________
  Marcelo Ramos                  |      \/       __    |
  Debian Sid GNU/Linux 2.5.67    |              |_/    /
  Socio UYLUG Nro 125            |                     \
  Linux registered user #118109  |_____|\/|_____|\______\

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