On Wed, 04 Jun 2003, Lukas Ruf wrote:

> Hallo * Vittorio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-06-04 13:15]:
> > 
> > Now I DON'T want that from the outside world, from the Internet via
> > ppp0 someone could access my imap server which is on duty for my
> > internal network only.
> > 
> > What IPTABLES lines should I add to my firewall to avoid these
> > intrusions?
> > 
> iptables -A INPUT -i ppp0 -p TCP --dport imap  -j DROP
> iptables -A INPUT -i ppp0 -p TCP --dport imaps -j DROP

I'd do it slightly differently.  First, check in /etc/<package>/ and 
try to set the daemons up to listen to only the inside port.  If its 
started from inetd, look into the xinetd package.

Then, I'd set up the ip tables to reject, not drop the packets.  
This is a personaly choice, but IM(very)HO, networks work better when 
packets don't disappear into the ether.  :)

Just my two cents,

Jesse Meyer

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