On Wed, Jun 04, 2003 at 03:20:35PM -0400, Bruno Diniz de Paula wrote:
> first of all, I'm not definetely willing to start a war here (although I
> think I have already). :-) I'm a very satisfied and enthusiastic Debian
> user, but I would like to hear from you guys the essential pros and cons
> of each of the distributions. 

I think Redhat's big pro is the commercial support.  By that I don't
mean Redhat's support, I mean that companies like Oracle port their
software to Linux with Redhat in mind, not Debian.  That doesn't mean
that you can't run Oracle on Debian, but it means that there's potential
for extra work being involved, and if you run in to trouble, you're not
likely to get any sympathy from Oracle.

> I'm asking because for me the best thing about Debian (besides others)
> is the package manager system. Now I've heard RedHat 9 has something
> that resembles apt, which would put down this advantage of Debian. So,
> what do you think?

I can't claim to have ever used Redhat's equivalent to apt, whatever it
is. (is it up2date, or is that a previous attempt?)  The thing is, it's
not just apt that makes package management in Debian so easy.  It's the
quality of the packages and the strict requirement that a package
adheres to our policy guidelines.  Without a well defined policy, apt
would be next to useless.  Traditionally, upgrading a Debian system has
been a comparative breeze.  That's due not to apt (it was easy before
apt existed!) but to the packaging policy.


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