Mark C wrote:
> I have woody running perfectly, yet it takes an age to read/write any
> files from my nfs server, where as redhat is (for nfs clients anyway)
> blistering fast, 
> Heres my current mount arguments in /etc/fstab:
> loki:/nfs-exports/tmp /pub/tmp nfs nfsvers=2,rsize=4096,wsize=4096,hard,bg  0 0

What does your /etc/exports on your server say?  Does it say 'sync' or
'async' for export options?  This is a religous issue but you probably
want 'async' for performance reasons, 'sync' for belt and suspenders
robustness.  The default has changed with newer versions in sarge/sid
which now make noise unless you specifically pick one so you might as
well start choosing now in woody.  Something like this:

  / *(ro,async)
  /home *(rw,async)

> I decided to dual boot with redhat and woody, and do some comparisons, 
> Copying 1.2GB of data (a single tarball) from client to server

Just as an aside you might check out bonnie/bonnie++.  A filesystem
benchmark performance test.  Does a reasonable job of benchmarking

  apt-cache show bonnie++

> Redhat: 15 mins
> Woody: 55 mins

Gag.  I always hate trying to debug those types of things.  It
furnishes so much ammo for stone throwers all around.  But in the end
it is all still the same free software base and once figured out both
are usually the same.  But no fun at all when you are in the thick of

Guessing you have sync on when in woody and async on when in redhat.

Also, check your DMA status.  Only applies if you are using IDE
drives.  SCSI is always DMA.

  sudo apt-get install hdparm

  sudo hdparm -d /dev/hda

Guess that you have DMA off when in woody but on when in redhat.  What
does the performance say with it on and off?

  sudo hdparm -t /dev/hda

The easiest way to deal with this probably is the following.  Really
not using hwtools but it is so easy to use the startup file that I
can't resist.

  sudo apt-get install hwtools

  sudo editor /etc/init.d/hwtools
  # ... uncomment / edit the hdparm section
  # hdparm -q -d1 -m16 /dev/hda

Note that just because you turn DMA on does not mean it will stay on.
If the kernel gets errors it will switch it off, log the action to
syslog, and continue using non-dma.  This can happen with some
chipsets which have problems.  I have one machine like that.  Oh well.


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