2005/11/28, H.S. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Is there a GUI firewall application for Linux that can
> be installed on router computers to deal with with various applications:
> web browsing, email, databases: oracle & siebel, or other Windows stuff?
> I am also thinking about suggesting he use spam assassin to block spam
> coming in or going out. But I haven't touched this subject yet.

I would suggest you Endian Firewall (http://www.efw.it/) which is a
firewall linux distribution based on IpCop (www.ipcop.org). It is a
firewall, intrusion detection system, web proxy, vpn gateway and,
what's more important it runs a web content filter and also a
transparent pop3 proxy which scans all the incoming mail with
SpamAssassin and ClamAV antivirus, effectively filtering all the junk
coming from your router before it hits your workstations.

It can be installed on a spare computer, not necessarily too powerful
(this depends on the size of your LAN and the amount of traffic that
needs to be filtered). This PC, equipped with two NICs, should be
placed between your router and the switch connecting your
workstations. It is installed in a few minutes and easily configured
through a web interface from any pc behind it (no configuration files
editing needed).

Give it a try and let me know what you think of it...

Piero Piutti
Debian Linux - KDE - Firefox - Gmail - Member of Brindisi Linux User Group

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