Peter Nuttall wrote:


I'm guessing you are missing the packages listed below for gconfig. (use
apt-cache search to find the correct names)

On Mon, Nov 21, 2005 at 06:51:27PM +0100, thierry wrote:
When trying to compile a new kernel with either gconfig or xconfig I get the following error:
Unable to find the GTK+ installation. Please make sure that
* the GTK+ 2.0 development package is correctly installed...
* You need gtk+-2.0, glib-2.0 and libglade-2.0.

I think you need to install libgtk2.0 libglib2.0 and the glade lib,
which you can find with apt-cache search libglade.

Unable to find the QT installation. Please make sure that the
* QT development package is correctly installed and the QTDIR
* environment variable is set to the correct location.

You need to install qt, once again try apt-cache search libqt and pick
the one you think looks right.
Can someone tell me what I am missing, and what I should install.

I'm willing to point you in the right direction.


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Thank you for your help. I managed to get gconfig working after installing a bunch of package (27 to be more precise!!). Maybe it was a more 'elegant' way to do it, but it's working. Did not have such luck with xconfig. But I wont try it any longer. The strange to me affair is that both of them use to work on my machine about a month ago.
Anyway, thanks again.

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