Kent West wrote:

> Scott wrote:
>> I've gathered Debian starts in run level 2 and from there X is started.
>> How do I change the setting so that when I log in I don't go any further
>> than a shell and if I want ex  I just type "startx" and enter?
>> I don't know why but Debian seems to be more cryptic when it comes to
>> this and it's run levels are odd compared with other linux distros.
>> I was browsing through /etc/inittab and found
>> "# Runlevel 0 is halt.
>> # Runlevel 1 is single-user.
>> # Runlevels 2-5 are multi-user.
>> # Runlevel 6 is reboot."
>> So 2-5 are multi-user and I've gathered 2 is the defualt for running X.
>> So then, can if I change it to 3, 4 or 5 will X not start then?
> Debian ships with runlevels 2 - 5 identical; it is up to the system
> administrator to do what he wills with the runlevels.
> As a general rule, if you don't want X to start automatically on
> boot-up, you can either disable, or uninstall, the relevant login
> manager (xdm, kdm, gdm, or wdm).
Or, instead of removing the display manager (*dm), simply remove the
symlink in /etc/rc2.d/S99*dm.  That way, it'll still be there if you
want it, but it won't start at boot time.


Mitch Wiedemann
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