On 15:21, Sat 12 Nov 05, Paul Johnson wrote:
> Seth Goodman wrote:
> > Are you curious why?  They have a sense of national pride and feel a part 
> > of the Indian economy, thus they naturally prefer to hire their own 
> > nationals.  That's illegal here, but thankfully, they are not so 
> > constrained.   
> It's not illegal here, but with the way Americans treat each other on the
> job, it might as well be.
> -- 
> Paul Johnson
> Email and Instant Messenger (Jabber): [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Got jabber?  http://ursine.ca/Ursine:Jabber

Why do people talk about just out sourcing, what about age
discrimination and also quota's. Just because their is a law
for it doesn't mean that it's not done. Don't people wonder
what the not qualified, term means.  The same goes for those
who are male and female, gender challenged. If the person who
does the hiring is  biased then it will show. People should
not do that but they do, the same goes for the best
qualified person, many times the best person is not hired,
due to inlaws, and buddies who need a job.

Sure you could sue, but if your jobless, and need to put
food on the table it is over looked, also it's hard to

A while ago a few Universities decided to change their
admitance policy, due to law and trying to be more fair.
Guess what the special intrests groups are in a uproar as
certain groups in the community have seen a drop in

Also some people want to push for the rights of all children
to have a paid education. Or some people think we owe them
due to what happened in the past. 

Enough of this double standard, for example one of the
political themes going around is the thought that some
policies are bad for a nation. It's almost like one nation can
be freeier then another, like my freedom is better than
yours, since my cousin, friend, died in a war. Freedom is
Freedom, don't we all have the same right's, why should I
put a price on your freedom comparied to mine? What people
are doing is putting a price on liberty, and freedom, this
will lead to more problems.

I think their is no easy answer, unless you can think of a
way to change human nature, without trampling peoples


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