Mark Grieveson wrote:
>[....] And now back to my first digression:  I realize that Abiword's latest
> has a grammar check (coincidentally, I also had no problem installing
> the latest Abiword on Sarge, which means anyone could install it, the
> newest of the new, on Sarge).

That isn't true of all software (the easy part anyway).  Sure I can
./configure  make make install...

But that defeats the purpose of a package management system.

Or I could add sid to my sources.list file on Sarge and attempt to
install a package from Sid and find there are libraries that are missing
when I attempt to apt-get it.   Or find that said package is compiled
with GCC 4.0 when everything I have is 3.whatever and therefore I
practically have to upgrade the whole freakin distro just to add one
piece of software.

Or it I might get lucky and it just might "work" after all.  You never

No thanks, I'll stay away from Sarge.  I'll save it for my "mission
critical" box...  (Oh wait, I don't have one of those. ;-) ).

>  However, it fell far short of WordPerfect
> 6.1's Grammatik (released just as mankind was picking up sticks and
> learning to beat the Monolith, I believe).  Likewise, Diction, a Unix
> tool, has been around forever; so, why do Linux word processors not have
> something that Windows word processors have had since mankind first
> realized the significance of having an opposable digit?

That must have been some grammar checker in WP 6.1.  Every one I've ever
used in Word (up through Word 2000) sucked.

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