2005/11/9, Ueli Meier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi
> Is there anyone who set up a home surveillance system wit Linux?
> Im thinking of using a normal web-cam and a Laptop computer.
> What are the requirements?
> Is there any software that can start record automatically when there is
> some Movement, and pause when movement stops?
> Purpose to keep an eye on the fruit trees.
> Ueli

I use zoneminder, it is really easy to setup, you need apache, php and
mysql to use this software. It has movement detection, and it only
records when this option is enabled. It has more options, but this one
is what you need.



"Meine Hoffnung soll mich leiten
Durch die Tage ohne Dich
Und die Liebe soll mich tragen
Wenn der Schmerz die Hoffnung bricht"

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