
I have seen a very strange thing when using ACLs (OS is debian sarge, FS is ext3):

fenrir:/home/iso-img/DCMUPD# dir test
-r--rw----+ 1 Administrator users 0 2005-11-07 20:52 test

Please note that the owner of the file "test", namely the user
"Administrator", does not have write permission on this file. But:

fenrir:/home/iso-img/DCMUPD# getfacl test
# file: test
# owner: Administrator
# group: users
user:Administrator:rwx          #effective:rw-
user:julia:r-x                  #effective:r--
group::rwx                      #effective:rw-

This tells us that the user Administrator has write permission on this

According to the man page of setfacl and getfacl, the manipulation of
the user permission changes the ACL entries also and vice versa. This
is obviously not the case when looking at the above example, or I have
misunderstood something.

Could anyone explain what is going on there? This sucks really when
using ACLs with samba. Did I misunderstand something?

Thank you very much,


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