> > On Sun, Nov 06, 2005 at 07:45:49PM -0800, Rodney D. Myers wrote:
> > > I've been using etch/testing on my laptop since the change over..
> > >
> > > I would like to know of an easy way, short of a re-install, to
> > revert
> > > back to stable.

I've had a number of problems downgrading, and don't recommend it
unless its absolutely necessary (ie; you're on a laptop with no
removable HD's and you used to whole drive as one partition).  I
recently tried a move from testing to sarge, and it seemed to work (I
used some pinning and changing repositories, if I recall) and worked
for a little while until installing some new packages ended up giving
me dependency hell.  It worked fine, but I was unable to change the
existing packages.

> I think that this is the best option.  If you haven't already, create a
> separate partition for /home and you can be fairly sure that you will
> not lose anything important if you need to re-install again.

In retrospect, its a very good thing I've always had this habit.  I
like to keep /, /boot and /home on separate partitions (and also under
different filesystems).  I think of myself as quite an incompetent
user (relatively new to Unix) and the number of times I'm caught out
by something that a more experienced user would know not to do.


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