> From: Patrick Wiseman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Do italics print properly? If so, you might try installing cups-pdf and the=
> n
> "print" to a PDF file.

Thanks for the response Patrick.  I don't have a printer installed on
this machine yet, so I can't check and see if it prints properly.  I
installed the cups-pdf package and tried the print to PDF file and the
result was the same.

> From: "Felix C. Stegerman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I did however just upgrade openoffice.org to 2.0 and reinstall
> msttcorefonts.

I installed the msttcorefonts package and that appeared to have fixed
my problem.  Saving as a PDF file maintains the italicized fonts. 
Thanks Felix.

That seems odd to me that the default fonts shipped with AbiWord do
not allow the italicized font to be converted to PDF (without having
to install msttcorefonts).  I would think that this is a bug or at
least a wishlist item.  I am just not quite sure which package to file
it against.  It is my understanding that conversion to PDF is done
using the gnome-print library:
But since I am using abiword-gnome (which is apparently compiled with
the gnome-print library), perhaps this is the best place for it. 
Unless someone recommends different, I will probably file the bug



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