On 12:10 Thu 20 Oct     , Ross Boylan wrote:
> I am attempting to recompile a driver (8139too) with one additional
> entry in the pci_device_id table.  I may modify it in other ways if
> that doesn't work.
> When I try to make-kpkg kernel_image the file is not rebuilt.  I tried
> deleting the .o; this just produces an error of a missing file during
> the make.
> There was a long thread about this earlier (dealing with a harder
> problem of changing the config) but I could divine no answer to the
> problem.  Another post on Oct 7 asked a similar question without
> response.
> The thing that looked closest to a response was the suggestion to run
> make and then make-kpkg.  Since I am applying patches, and make will
> not, this seems hazardous in this case.
The easy way is to cd into the kernel source tree and if you already have
8139too selected as a module and the new patched driver code:

make oldconfig
make modules
make modules_install

This will just compile and install the patched 8139too module.
You can find it with a modprobe -l|grep 8139too and the
unload the original 8139too module and load the new 8139too.

rmmod 8139too
modprobe 8139too

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