On Fri, 07 Oct 2005 at 0811 -0700, Ric Otte wrote:
>On Fri, Oct 07, 2005 at 02:33:19PM +0100, Dick Davies wrote:
>> On 07/10/05, Ric Otte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > I haven't gotten offlineimap working yet, but am not convinced that
>> > "any changes you do on the local end get changed on the server."
>> > I looked at the website for offlineimap and it looks to me as if it is
>> > saying that if you create a new mail folder locally, it will not
>> > create it on the server.  Since I sometimes make new mailfolders on my
>> > machine, this might be a problem for me.  Am I correct about this?
>> Mutt can create folders on the IMAP server (like any other imap client),
>> so why would you ever want to make local ones anyway?
>If I was working offline, I might want to make some new folders, and
>then use offlineimap to duplicate this onto the server.  That is what
>I don't think is possible (but I could be wrong).  

No it can't.  I tried it first and it didn't work.  Then I read the
man page and found this entry.

 How can I add or delete a folder?
   OfflineIMAP does not currently provide this feature, but if you
   create a new folder on the IMAP server, it will be created locally

I was having trouble with creating a folder on the IMAP server and
getting it created locally.  Turned out I needed to restart
offlineimap.  I have an autorefresh entry and as long as that instance
was running it wouldn't notice a new folder.  I stopped the running
offlineimap, ran it again and it found the new folder.

Right now you'd have to wait until you were connected to the IMAP
server to create a new folder.

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"This is the worst thing to happen in Cincinnati since that radio station
dropped all those flightless Thanksgiving turkeys from a helicopter."
- Amil Gopalakian, Cashier -- The Onion 04/25/2001 <http://www.theonion.com/>

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