I gave a shot to pppoeconf, knowing that this is what I normally use to connect to the internet. The DNS address which I receive from sympatico is what they send me when there is a connection. I should not only not have to specify it: I can't. If I do, it will not work.

As to this computer acting as a DNS server, that seems none sense. I nevv\er installed any packages et cetera that would enable this.

I could be very wrong.

Any other hints?

The internet. by the way, isn't even working after 12, 30 or any other number of seconds. It usually simply does not do a thing (connect?) It is fast becoming utterly un-usable.

What else should I be doing? I'm convinced that I have missed out a step; or put in some too many. But what?

I thank you kindly in advance.

—A watched bread-crumb never boils.
—My hover-craft is full of eels.
—[...]and that's the he and the she of it.

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