Jared Hall wrote:

I would have to look at the code to see if this sort of logic is being
used.  which I guess I could if really wanted to, but I don't, because
it works really well and there is no need to.

I would discourage working around the system that Apache has set up
for Debian.  there are probably a lot of good reasons for it being
done the way that it is.
I don't think Apache has the time to compile httpd for each distrobution. Of course I can't be 100% sure, but I'm sure this is done by the package maintainer with a compile time option: -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/apache2.conf"

What I meant to say originally was just a minor aside about changing this (httpd.conf seems to be accepted everywhere else) to apache2.conf, and then using an include for httpd.conf (hint: Include /etc/apache2/httpd.conf) is sort of unneccessary. But no big deal, it's really minor. I deal with apache2.conf just fine. I have to admit, I don't really like the sites-enabled/sites-available thing either, but I can see the logic. I just don't like seeing distrobutions diverge from the rest of the group so much. But again, no big deal.


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