Nicolas Cadou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| Le 14 Septembre 2005 10:07, mess-mate a écrit :
| > | The patch is intended to change the existing framebuffer module's
| > | behaviour, by changing method it uses to switch video modes.
| > |
| > | Nicolas
| >
| > Thanks, more clearely ??
| The stock linux VESA VGA framebuffer module is limited in its ability to 
| change the video modes of S3 Virge cards.
| The patch makes the module behave differently with S3 Virge cards, so you may 
| be able to choose from more video modes.
| Nicolas
Thanks for that explanation.
I've chosen several different 16bit modes ( seems the bootsplash
works only on 16bit) without success.
Or the patch don't support s3 cards ?

It's lucky you're going so slowly, because you're going in the wrong direction.

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