On 09/14/2005 03:10 PM, Andrew Sackville-West wrote:

> only thing I can think of is that your monitor settings aren't right.
> I had similar problems for a while with my envision en-710e. my horiz
> sync and vert refresh ranges weren't right and consequently it
> couldn't get a good set-up for the higher res. I adjusted those
> numbers to some conservative ranges that fit the monitor specs and
> problem solved. youmight check the monitor specs and see if you can
> make that work. be conservative soyou don't fry the monitor.
> hth
> Andrew

I also once had a similar problem.  Using the specs from the monitor
data sheet still limited me to 800 X 600.  Solution was to boot with
knoppix, then copy that config file to /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 .  Result:
full monitor resolution available to sarge.


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