On 9/14/05, John Talbut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can anyone give me or point me to precise instructions as to how to do
> this?  I use Aptitude to get packages.
> Or should I give up with Christian Marillat's package and go with the
> precise instructions given at www.princessleia.com/MPlayer.html (though
> I am not on Etch)?
I did install using Marillat's package and once having done that
downloaded the codecs from mplayerhq.hu site and unzipped them to the
appropriate folder as per:

I think that the mplayer packages were compiled and packaged with
support for the win32 codecs and you just have to place the codecs in
the right folder to get it to work. If I am mistaken, I apologize.

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