On Tue, 13 Sep 2005 23:39:03 -0500, Kent West wrote:

>>This is a real emergency. My X won't start now, having
>>upgraded from xsever to xorg. 
>> [...]
>>that there is way to restore using xserver instead of
>>xorg. I tried to follow it, but wasn't successful. 
>>I removed all xorg and xserver packages and reinstall
>>xserver from scratch, but still I was forced to
>>install xorg. 
>>I installed the xorg, try its hardware auto-detection,
>>again, but still my X won't start. The sypmtom is,
>>still, the screen gets into graphic mode, with garbage
>>on it, and the whole system just freeze. I tried
>>Ctrl-Alt-\, Ctrl-Alt-F?, Ctrl-Alt-Del, nothing worked.
> Are you running Sarge (nope; no X.org yet), Testing, or Sid? (Uninstall
> all of X, change your /etc/apt/sources.list file to the older version,
> and then install X, would be one possible tactic.)

Thank you Aurélien Campéas! you message saved my day. 

I choose to follow up on this thread because it is more complete --
reinstalling xserver-xfree86 wasn't enough, still freeze my Box. 
As Kent and James have pointed out, it only worked when I un-installed
and re-installed all the xserver-xfree86, xserver-common and
X-window-system-core packages.

HTH for other people as well.

> Is the problem really with X, or with a certain
> einvironment/manager/client? (Have you tried other means of starting X,
> such as kdm, gdm, startx, with different window managers/environments?)

Pure X, i.e., xorg. I use startx to start my fluxbox, which was intact
during upgrading. Restoring xfree86 (from xorg) alone solved the problem
is the strongest proof.

Thanks God I have my X back. This is the worst time for me to mess up
with my working environment. I've been following Debian Testing for ages,
never had such bad experience before. I think I'd better stick with sarge
for a while, until the dusts settle down a bit. 

Thanks everyone for sharing! I love you.

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