Seeker5528 wrote:
> On Wed, 07 Sep 2005 20:01:03 -0400
> "[KS]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>lsof doesn't give me anything :(
>>~# lsof /dev/dsp
>>Any other pointers?
> Are you using totem-gstreamer or totem-xine
> Are you using alsa drivers?
> If you don't know then open a terminal window and type:
> dpkg -l totem*
> : you should see 'ii' to the left of one of these packages indicating it
> is the installed version.
> If you don't know what audio driver you are using then in a terminal
> window type:
> lsmod | grep snd
> : if this results in several lines of text with snd- in them then you
> are using the alsa driver.
> If you are using totem-gstreamer and alsa, make sure the gstreamer-alsa
> plugin is installed then in a terminal window and type:
> gstreamer-properties
> : and select the alsa output option and see if that makes a difference.
> If you are running totem-xine then try running xine to see if it has the
> same issue, if it does try fixing the issue there.
> Later, Seeker

I was using totem-gstreamer and the changing gstreamer-properties didn't
make any difference. I was advised in the #debian-women irc channel to
use totem-xine as gstreamer was a resource hog. I tried totem-xine and
it works perfectly now.


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