On 31/08/05, Philip Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
That is exactly what I am shooting for and want to see. I have been
working on changes to the installer and I just started working on a custom
cd iso that will use new versions of discover, hotplug, newer kernel
modules, and more laptop related modules/drivers. I feel there is a large
enough following for Debian on laptops to warent this.

To add my useless two cents:

I will (very soon now) be getting a Toshiba A70 laptop, on to which I will, of course, put Debian. So, any help I can get for this installation will be much Appreciated. In addition, I would be quite willing to assist in any way I can, though I do say earnestly that I am no Debian Guru Debugger. But, certainly, if there is some thing I can do (when I get the laptop), let me know.

And that's the he and the she of it.

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